The Youniverse is almost endlessly Versatile.
Here are some other ways I use it.
Self-Care Tool
Place an orb on the Youniverse to reflect the part of client that needs caring. Ask your client (or for parents, your child) how he or she can care for that part of him or herself pointing to the central sphere as the Caring Self.
Internal Family Systems Therapy (elaborated)
Central sphere as the Self of the System or Inner Youniverse with a ring each for Manager Parts(inner), Firefighter Parts(middle) and Exiled Parts(outer). When working with target part use ring between target part and Self for parts that show up in response to question" How do you feel toward that part?" Can use horizontal line as a "room", "waiting room" or for parts who "step back" or "slide over" Use to introduce Model, unblend, track parts, show connection/relationship between parts, build Self to parts relationship, depict protective blocking of access to Self, depict burdens, achieve and maintain affect regulation. INSPIRE HOPE THROUGH CONSTANT VISUAL PRESENCE OF and REFERENCE TO CENTRAL SPHERE SELF.
Mind Map
With Self as Witness to various Emotions (using colors to differentiate emotions)
Choice Wheel
With Self as Choicemaker after recognizing expression of Head, Heart, and Gut (using the three rings to differentiate)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Bowenian self-differentiation
Place thoughts, emotions, and behaviors on separate rings - Explore the connection of thoughts to extreme emotions and behaviors. Central sphere can represent differentiated rational mind, not burdened by or immune to extreme emotions and schemas.
Gestalt Therapy
Rings can represent Life Layer, Death Layer, Impasse Layer respectively with Central sphere representing Spirit Layer. Inner ring can represent 'forefront now" and outer ring, the "background." Orbs placed opposite each other can represent polarities and introjects can be represented by magnets on orbs or as orbs themselves.
Rings can represent id, ego, and superego respectively with primal id closest to Central Sphere or if repressed, on outer ring. Central sphere as meta-analyst making the subconscious,conscious.
Central sphere can represent the Rational and a ring each for faulty beliefs/thinking, emotions, and behaviors. Explore influence on each other.
Art Therapy
Can "paint" a self-portrait(or other subject matter) using Youniverse. Compare and supplement with a self-portrait drawing. Interact with and move orbs to reflect changes in "inner picture."
Meditation and Mindfulness, TM
Use empty Youniverse to represent meditative non-attachment with Central sphere as Pure Consciousness. Place orbs on Youniverse as thoughts and limbic brain material to be brought to Consciousness.
Jungian and Archetypes
Youniverse as holding place for collective unconscious with central sphere as Witness/Participator or as Whole greater than sum of parts. Use orbs to represent archetypal beings, entities, and/or roles.
Family and Social Atom/ Virginia Satir Sculpting
Depict Family or social group. Sculpt Family or social group/roles/rules identity. Sculpt how it is now/How you'd like it to be. Interview people as if they were the orbs themselves, for example, "What's it like to be this white one out here so far away from everyone else?
Time-Out Solution and Conversation Starter
Ask your child to put his or her “big” feelings on their Youniverse while in Time-Out or as an alternative to Time-Out. Ask them about the colors and why they placed them where they did. See and Listen. You can suggest they place their strongest or biggest feelings on the inner ring closest to them, medium feelings on the middle ring and so on. If they reveal a feeling ask them to say more or if you could know more about it.
What’s on your Mind Mirror and Head, Heart and Gut Time-out Alternative
Ask your child to put his or her thoughts and feelings on the Youniverse regarding anything on their mind or any situation your child may be upset about. Ask him or her to use the inner ring closest to them to reflect what their gut feeling is or what their gut is telling them to do, the middle ring for what their heart is feeling or telling them to do, and the outer ring for what their head is thinking or wants them to do.
and more!